While most people look at a vehicle and see the engine and body operating as one to create what you know to be a form of transportation, there is one huge component inside of a vehicle that actually allows it to propel by using the engine power: the transmission. When a transmission renders a vehicle unable to move, a lot of vehicle owners are surprised. But they are even more surprising is the fact that having a transmission replaced can be so costly.
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Semi Repair: Why Is It Dangerous To Put Off Changing Your Tires?
Semi trucks are some of the most powerful vehicles on the road today. Because of this, it's important to keep your truck in good repair, including changing or repairing your tires. Tires with worn out tread, bent tie rods, and other damages can cause accidents on the road. You could be liable for any problems your accident causes. If you're a new or seasoned driver with bad tires, here are reasons to change or repair them now.
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Buying A Diesel Vehicle That Has Been Sitting For Awhile? Make Sure To Understand Diesel Oil Oxidation
Diesel vehicles are a great addition to a construction crew. They provide a highly-efficient, simple, and easy-to-understand engine that creates a large amount of driving power with a minimal waste of fuel. However, there's a good chance that many of these vehicles have been sitting in one place for too long. For example, a diesel vehicle may have been:
Sitting on a vehicle lot Inactive during a cold-weather season In a storage facility for an extended period Requiring repairs for serious problems The problem with a vehicle that has sat for 2-3 months without moving is that many of its fluids start to congeal or run into other problems.
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Tips For Preventing Windshield Damage
If you want to prevent your windshield from getting damaged, then the following tips should help you:
Keep a Reasonable Distance from Large Trucks
Road debris is one of the most dangerous things as far as your windshield safety is concerned. Flying rocks or gravel can easily crack your windshield if thrown at a high enough speed. That is why you need to keep a safe distance between your car and large trucks on the road, especially construction trucks.
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